Thursday, January 17, 2013

What a Day.....

Thursday January 17, 2013:

So what a week it's been for me, and I'm sorry I haven't kept up with my blog this week.

I started my Monday out in typical fashion, finished with a 10 hour day. I know that isn't bad, but for me that is a long day as I usually don't hit 8 hours consistently. Then Tuesday I was sick with a sore throat and a pinched sciatic nerve so I took the day off. Then Wednesday I did my normal day, then headed to St. Joe to start the process of opening a new store for work. 13 hours later I was finally going home. Then today I went in at 5:00am (normal start time) did my normal job then returned to the new store to stock the shelves to prepare for tomorrows opening day. 14 1/2 hours later I was finally getting home. So even with a day off I am still going to have well over 40 hours this week, and I only get paid for 40 hours.

So you might wonder what exactly do I do, and what do I mean by a "new store" for work. Well I work for a vending company, yes the type of company that has vending machines in businesses for break rooms. The type with potato chips, soda, get the idea. Well what I do is we started replacing these vending machines with C-Stores....short for Convenience Store.

So here are a couple of pictures of what I have done the past two days:

We took the old vending machines out of the break room leaving a blank wall.....and then we turn it in to this:

I know, it's not the most exciting job in the world, but it is pretty cool to see it all come together, and to see the employees excited about having a "convenience store" facility right in their own break room.

So it's been a long week, but it's been fun actually. 

UPDATE: Below is an updated photo from a post I made last week about the progress of one of the stops that I have on my job. (

I can look at this photo and can see the obvious changes, the obvious progress that has been made toward completing this project. I also can look back at myself in the last week and see progress that I have made, changes that have been made toward turning me into the person that God wants me to be. While my changes may not be as obvious on the outside for everyone else to see, they are obvious on the inside and I see them....and right now, that is what is important to me.

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