Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life is a Work in Progress.....

Thursday, January 3, 2013: So I have been thinking today, which if you know me you know that I actually think a lot....too much sometimes. But anyways I was thinking that nobody wants to read about what I did today, or yesterday, or tomorrow for that matter so I was trying to think about how to make these blogs more interesting and worth reading. So as I was driving to Benton Harbor for work I started to come up with an idea about how to take the things I do, the things I see and just your ordinary, everyday things in life and see how they relate to life, and me. Try to figure out how my life can relate to these things and how I can learn from them. Today, although I already knew it, I kind of realized that each and every one of us is a work in progress. A project if you will. I've heard people say that we are the clay and God is the sculpture molding us to be what He wants us to be. If any of you are like me, sometimes I have a tendency to have a great idea, and work hard to start whatever the idea is that I have, but sometimes actually finishing the idea is another story. They eventually get finished, but sometimes it takes longer than it should. When I got to Whirlpool in Benton Harbor I sat for a few minutes and watched the construction crew working on the addition to the Riverview offices. I noticed that every time I show up here the addition looks differently, and that it keeps progressing along, just the way it is drawn up, just as it is planned. When I got inside I shot this picture of the addition and decided that I would start "tracking" the progress each time I go there to see if I can notice the differences.
Don't you wish that our lives were this easy to see the progression? That maybe we could see what the finished "product" would look like, or be like. While I think it would be great to know where I will be in 5 years, 10 years, even 20 years down the road....I also think it is great not knowing what the future holds. So today I have spent a lot of time thinking about life, and about how everything around us effects who we are and who we will eventually become. I've decided that while God molds me into whatever it is that He wants me to be, I'm going to look at my life as a canvas, and I am the artist. While God has a plan, and knows exactly what I will be, where I will be and for how long I will be....I don't know any of these things so I am going to "paint away" and see what kind of masterpiece I can create with this life He has given me. Below are many pictures of me, and how I've changed over the years. I hope to be able to look back on my life 40 years from now and see how God has worked in my life, and be able to see exactly how I have progressed, and how he was able to mold me into something great. I also hope that I will be able look back and realize that I took all of the things with which He surrounded me and created myself a masterpiece.
"We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad." - unknown

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