Thursday, January 10, 2013

Not Happy!!!!!

Thursday January 10, 2013: So today I have been really tested. If you know me, you know how much I use my camera. I shoot sports for the local newspaper, I shoot scenery pictures, senior pictures, and even an occasional wedding. And as I mentioned in an earlier blog, I want to shoot a picture every day, whether with my camera or with my iPhone. So today I took my camera to work with me as I knew I would be doing some driving and there are some pictures that I want to shoot for an idea that I have for a blog. So I get my camera out to start shooting some of the pictures that I wanted and this is the picture that I kept getting over and over and over.
I decided to Google this error message to see what I could do for it. According to Google I can clean the contacts and hope it works. I called the local camera store and they told me to clean the contacts, if that doesn't work then I might need to send the camera and lens back to Canon. They said that process could take 4-6 weeks, if they can fix it. So needless to say, I was not able to shoot photos today with my camera, I don't have the time to be able to be without it for 4-6 weeks and I don't have the money to go out and buy another $1200 camera. Not really sure what the plan is now....but I know it will include lots of prayers. Sorry if this blog today wasn't like the ones previous, but it's not been a good day as far as the camera is concerned, and it's hard to be creative. But I promise to be back to myself tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. My camera (not a fancy one, just point and shoot, but a decent Canon)decided to give me issues over the summer. The screen shows black and only takes black pictures. Praise God it was near the end of our mission trip to the D.R. and not at the beginning or before! I haven't sat down to search for the possible cause yet. The last half of last year was really busy, and now I just have to remember to do the detective work. Ah, well. Things we think are necessities, but really are privileges. (Even though you kinda need one for work...)
