Friday, January 4, 2013

T.G.F.F (Thank God For Family)

Friday January 4, 2013: T.G.I.F.....everyone knows what T.G.I.F stands for (Thank God It's Friday) Well today my theory was T.G.F.F or Thank God For Family. If you know me, which if you are reading this then the odds are pretty good that you do, then you know that I have a wife and a 15 year old daughter. While I love them both dearly, I've not always shown it in the best manor. Well as I mentioned in my first blog of the year, one of my New Years Resolutions is to be a better husband and father to my family. So today was one of the first times I was able to really spend time with the family this year if you will. I was able to spend time with my wife watching our daughter cheer on the Niles boys JV basketball team, then after dropping my daughter off at her friends to stay the night, my wife and I went to Chili's for dinner. It was a nice opportunity just for the two of us to get out and have dinner, and we were able to use a gift card we had gotten for Christmas. So while today was a pretty uneventful was a very relaxing, and rewarding day as I was able to spend it with family. So far 2013 is off to a pretty good start (with the one exception being that my friend is still mad at me) and I am looking forward to more from this year.

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