Saturday, January 26, 2013

Welcome To Michigan

Saturday January 26, 2013:

I must start this blog with an apology. I am sorry that I have slacked in keeping this updated, but I have been without internet access at home since at least last Sunday evening. I don't know if it has been the weather, or what, but I still don't have internet....I am currently sitting at Martin's using their wifi to do this blog.

So anyways.....

Welcome to Michigan. There are many jokes out there that everyone uses to describe the state they are from. For example if you are from Michigan you might say one of the following:

You know you are from Michigan when you use the back of your left hand or the palm of your right hand to show people where you live.

You know you are from Michigan if you have gotten frostbitten and sunburnt in the same week.

You know you are from Michigan if you know that UP is a place, not a direction (that is the Upper Peninsula for all of you not from Michigan)

You know you are from Michigan if you know how to pronounce Mackinac. (Mak-in-aw)

So you get the idea.

Now while I have been to at least 27 states in the union, and am currently planning a trip to Hawaii in 2014, I have to say that I love Michigan. There really is a lot of things to do (if you like the outdoors) and there is plenty of beautiful scenery around the state. Just to show you a few, we have:

Mackinac Bridge

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore


Tahquamenon Falls

So these are just a few places in Michigan from the Mackinac Bridge north up into the Upper Peninsula. But one of my favorite local places to visit is the lighthouse in St. Joseph. Fortunately for me I actually get to drive near it two to three times a week for work, so I get the chance to stop by and shoot pics from time to time.  I am going to post below some pics from there, but I called this blog "Welcome to Michigan" because you will get to see the four seasons of Michigan in these photos.

Here is spring:

Here is summer:

Here is fall:

Here is winter:

I have to admit that as much as I love the high waves crashing on the lighthouse in the fall, I have to say that the winter picture is my favorite. It was pretty cold out, but just to see everything frozen and beautiful the way it is, was just incredible.

So these are just a few of the many sites to be seen in our lovely state of Michigan. Now while I would move to North or South Carolina in a heartbeat, or Tennessee, Arizona, or several other states. Michigan is home and I will always be a Michigander, no matter where I live.

Another one of the "Michigan" jokes goes like this:

You know you are from Michigan if you get to experience all four seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) all in the same day. That might be true, but that is just another one of the beautiful things about Michigan.

Now somebody please take this snow away and bring on Spring!

1 comment:

  1. I would like more snow, but Spring means the beginning of softball season! So bring it on!
