Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013: First day of a great year

So I am going to try and make a valiant effort this year to not only make the most of 2013, but to try and document as much of it as I can with this new blog. I am not usually one for making New Year's Resolutions but this year I have decided to make a couple. While most people would say that they want to lose weight, or stop smoking, or drinking or something along those lines....mine aren't any of those. I don't drink or smoke so those things aren't something that I need to stop. Just over 3 weeks ago I started on Herbalife and have lost 8 pounds, and will soon be under 190 for the first time in many years. In fact, I have been so pleased with my weight loss, and how healthy I have been feeling that I have officially become a Herbalife Independent Distributor. So if you feel like you need to lose a few pounds, or just want to try and live a healthier lifestyle, feel free to contact me and I will see how I can help you. So the resolutions that I have decided to make are actually a little harder for me put out here for everyone to read, but by doing so it also holds me accountable and makes me have to work harder to achieve them. So here they are: 1) I need to learn to be a better husband to my wife of 17 years and a better father to my 15 year old daughter. While I have always been here and have done what I can to provide for them, I haven't always been the best husband or father to them. 2) I want to be a better friend to my friends. I have a lot of friends, and I want to be the kind of friend that they can all count on when they need someone, because I know there are times that I may need one of them and I am hoping they will be there for me in those times. I have some more goals, like get a new camera, start actually getting paid to shoot photos, see one of my photos published somewhere other than just in the local newspaper, do some work around the house, things like that. But the two listed are the primary things I plan to work on for 2013. So my first day of 2013 in a nutshell, went as follows: January 1, 2013: Spent the better part of the morning watching the first season of The Walking Dead. I received seasons 1 & 2 for Christmas and I want to get caught up on what everyone has been talking about.
Early afternoon I went and met up with a couple of friends, Scott Riggs and Mike Stowe, at Wings Etc. and watched Michigan play South Carolina in The Outback Bowl, which South Carolina ended up winning 33-28 by scoring the winning TD with 11 seconds remaining. Unfortunately for me, I didn't see the winning TD as I left during the third quarter and went to the movies to see Jack Reacher. I thought the movie was good, but it seemed a little long to me.
So there is January 1, 2013 in a nutshell. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but I can't let that detour me from everything I need to accomplish this year. I don't anticipate my daily blogs being this lengthy, but I do plan to try and post one daily, and I hope to try and shoot at least one photo every day as well. Here's to a great 2013 everyone. Amelio

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