Monday, January 14, 2013

Traffic Signs For Life Events

Monday January 14, 2013:

Have you ever taken a long road trip?

Do you use a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car? Do you use an atlas? Do you use Mapquest, Google Maps, or any other sort of mapping system?

I will admit that I have used all of the above at some point in my life. But if you are honest with yourself, or if you have any idea how to read a sign, truth is you can probably get to almost any major city without ever looking at a map, or a GPS unit. After all, every major highway has signage everywhere, all you have to do is know how to interpret these signs.

I mean, this sign doesn't look hard to read does it?

Ok, maybe if you are driving in bumper to bumper traffic this could be confusing, but if you aren't and you are headed to Phoenix or Los Angeles you could figure out pretty easily that you need to turn right.

Or you might be driving and you see signs that look something like these:

You get the point. If you have any sense of direction, and you can read a sign, chances are you can get pretty much anywhere you want to without using a GPS or an atlas or any other sort of directions.

Did you ever think about these signs, and how they can relate to life? Sounds funny doesn't it? But seriously, what if we had signs like these that could direct us through life? Just imagine:

Which way is the right way to go? Or what is the right path to take in life? Well how about....

Wouldn't those signs help us to make better choices in life?

Or how about this:

What if on our road of life we had signs that looked like this instead:

Wouldn't signs like that help us all figure out what it is we want, or at least know where we need to go to get the things we want?

Or what about a sign like this?

Shouldn't it read more like this?

Or how about this one, I know we are all guilty of this one:

We are all guilty of speeding. Whether it's 20 mph over or just 5 mph over, we have all done it.

But think about it, doesn't life go by fast enough? Shouldn't we slow down and enjoy life a little more. I remember when I was a kid and it seemed like the days were extremely long, and lasted forever. School years took forever, the summers seemed to last for at least  six months. But as soon as we get out of school and get out into the real world our "speed limit" picks up and our life flies by, and no matter how much you want it to slow down, it doesn't happen.

I have more signs that I would like to talk about, and I will in another blog, but as you are out driving around, whether on the highway, or just a normal two lane road take a look at the signage and think about how it could relate to your life. I bet you will surprise yourself with some of the ideas you think of, plus it gives you something to do while you are cruising around. 


  1. Hi. Great post about road sign uses and importance. Road signs can give directions, avoid accidents, help commuters and other people. We are manufacturers of safety signs stickers and road signs. Would be good if you write about other category signs as well. Thank you.
