Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013: Two Days in and I've Dropped The Ball Already

So here we are two days in to the new year, and I've already hit a snag when it comes to my resolutions that I posted yesterday. My resolution #2 was to be a better friend to others and be the type of friend my friends can trust and rely on when they need me. Well although what happened actually happened before the new year, the repercussion of it happened today. I just hope that what happened can be forgiven, and that wounds can be healed and trust once again can be established. I know it's a devil thing trying to bring me down already this year, trying to get me back in to a state of depression, but I am not giving in to him, and I will not let him win. I've hurt a good friend, a friend that trusted me. I was only trying to help, but I know now that you have to pick and choose your battles....and this was obviously a battle in which I had no business being involved. To my friend(s) involved, I'm sorry....truly sorry. So with all of that being said, let's get on to today's blog. January 2, 2013: So I had to report back to work this morning at 5:00am after having the last four days off for the New Year holiday. While it sucked to get up that early after sleeping in for several days my work day itself really wasn't that bad. After leaving work around 2:00pm, I came home and continued with my Walking Dead marathon. I'm on Disc 2 of Season 2. While I have started to "get in to it" a little bit, I still haven't gotten in to it enough to see what all the fuss is about as to why everyone is always talking about this show. I am hoping as things progress I will begin to see what everyone else is seeing. After a few episodes of The Walking Dead it was time to go bowling. I didn't start off so hot tonight rolling a 167 the first game, but things picked up as I rolled a 194 and a 234 in my last two games. Not a terrible night personally, but as a team we got our butts kicked. I came home from bowling, watched a couple more episodes of TWD, and now it's time for bed. One thing that I want to do this year is to shoot a picture every day...whether with my camera or with my iPhone, but I want to shoot one photo of something that catches my eye for one reason or another. So todays photo comes from Better World Books in Mishawaka. This business is one of my stops during my day, and while I have seen this "chair" before, today was the first time that I thought of shooting a picture of it. So here is a picture of the chair, which is made up of old Readers Digest books.
So there is my day in a nutshell....boring I know, but such is life sometimes. The one thing from today that I wish I could do over is this situation with my friend. I hope with time things will work themselves out, but until then I can't let the devil get me down....I have to keep pushing on, enjoying life and making the most of every day.

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