Sunday, March 3, 2013

High School Musical

Sunday March 3, 2013: Beauty and the Beast

So last night and this afternoon I was privileged enough to get to watch my daughter perform in her first ever high school musical.

I remember when she first told us that she was going to audition. I was so proud of her for being willing to audition, but scared for her at the same time because I knew how much she really wanted to be involved with this production. The rest of the week after her audition was a pretty long week as she waited to find out if she got into the musical or not.

After finding out she had made it, her emotions were a little bit mixed. She was ecstatic that she got in, but a little disappointed with the roles that she got. She got to be a townsperson, and a plate in the production of Beauty and the Beast.

I have to admit, there were days when she wouldn't get home from school until later into the evening because of practice, or she would have cheerleading practice as well as musical practice and her mom would have to pick her up from one and run her to another, but after watching the performances the last couple of's definitely been worth it.

Last night, for the first time, I got to see the finished work and the product that was the result of all the hard work that each and every one of the kids had put into this production. I have to say, they did a great job. Today I was able to watch it again, and once again they did a great job. I was very proud of each and every one of the kids involved, and extremely proud of my daughter. Not only did she make the decision on her own to participate in this wonderful production, but she went out and auditioned, got the part, attended the practices, worked hard and did a fabulous job. I was, and am, extremely proud of her, and I think the smile was plastered on my face every time she was on the stage.

Good job baby girl, and to the rest of the cast as well. Great job. As much as I look forward to her next musical (and maybe even a bigger role) I also can wait because that just means she is another year closer to graduating and moving on with her life. That's one production that I am not ready to watch....just not yet. Let me enjoy these times while I can.