Saturday, February 16, 2013

Getting Healthy.....and Getting Results

Saturday February 16, 2013:

I honestly have not looked at my last blog to see how long it's been since I have posted one, but I know it's been a while. I apologize for not being better at staying on top of this. It's actually harder to do than I thought it would be. I also knew I was busy, but never realized how busy until I realized that I really don't have much free time these days.

So one thing that I have mentioned in some of my previous blogs is the fact that I started on Herbalife products back in December (the 7th to be exact) and committed to them for 30 days. Well before my 30 days were up I was so happy with my results (weight loss, high energy, clarity, focus, etc.) that I decided to become a Independent Distributor for Herbalife, and have been on the products ever since.

To give you some background on why I was interested in getting healthy, within the last 18 months I had weighed in at 217 pounds, I was going in to work at 5:00am so I wasn't eating breakfast, I was working through my lunch, so I wasn't eating lunch, and then I would snack on junk food all day long at work. Since I work for a vending company I had access to candy bars, potato chips, pastries, sandwiches, pop, ice cream,  etc.. I mean anything you can buy in a vending machine, I was eating it as my food supply during the day. It wasn't healthy, and I wasn't healthy.

I took action and contacted a friend of mine who was an Herbalife distributor and started talking to her about my situation. I told her that I needed, and wanted, to get healthy and if I lost a few pounds in the process then great. I attended a sampling party and committed to the 30 days. The night I committed to get healthy I weighed in at 198.5 pounds, I would come home after work every day and take an hour or two nap, I was depressed and I felt lousy. I was tired all the time, had no energy to do anything, and I was overweight and out of shape. Since then, I have been on Herbalife for 72 days, I have dropped right around 17 pounds, I have only taken one nap after work in those two months, I feel great, I have energy, and my depression is minimal at best. One of the best parts for me.....I HAVE NOT EXERCISED ONE TIME!!!!!!

Today I attended my first Michigan STS (Success Training Seminar) at the Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek and learned a lot about all of the wonderful products that Herbalife has to help anyone and everyone no matter what your situation. Listened to guest speaker Alexis Pelfrey teach how Herbalife can change your life, and your lifestyle.
(me with guest speaker Alexis Pelfrey and my wife Paula)

In the 70+ days that I have been on Herbalife, not only have I experienced my own results, but I have watched friends and family experience some results of their own. I currently have three family members and three friends all using Herbalife, and all using the products in their own way, each looking to get healthy, but each with different goals. They have combined to lose just over 25 pounds (in less than 3 weeks) and they all say they have more energy, they feel good, and are losing weight.

I could go on and on about Herbalife, but unfortunately I am still trying to learn more and more as we speak, so I don't know all I need to know yet. But I do know this..... Herbalife works. I've seen the results myself, I've seen the results in my friends and family, and I spent the day with almost 500 people that have all seen the same kind of results.
 (my cupboard with my pudding and jello mixes, peanut butter powder, oatmeal,  & coconut flakes)
(the products that have changed my life)

If you are reading this, and are interested in experiencing these same kinds of results feel free to message me and I would love to talk to you and see how Herbalife can help you to achieve your goals. If I don't know the answers to your questions, I would work with you to help you find those answers. But I am working to be a great wellness coach, and I look forward to helping all of you to get healthy. After all, if I can do......anyone can do it.